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Acts of Kindness

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Random Acts of Kindness to Honor Braylon on his Birthday

On 12/22/2022, Braylon’s friends came together to honor Braylon for what would have been his 18th birthday. They were trying to turn this difficult time into a time of positivity and reflection on how Braylon lived.  In the days leading up to that day, Braylon's friends collectively completed 22 Random Acts of Kindness in the community. When they came together, each friend shared with Kris and Rose what they did to honor Braylon.


Examples included: baking a treat and giving it to the custodian at W-L, emailing a teacher to let them know how much they appreciate them, raking leaves without being asked, and buying a stranger’s meal at a fast food restaurant. When appropriate, a card was given to the person receiving the act of kindness so they can learn about Braylon. 


We encourage you to continue this tradition by doing your own random act of kindness. Please share it below..



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